October 29, 2017 Veggie Pizza

The second week of my "veggie" Wednesdays wasn't much different than a regular meal I might make except that, instead of making a plain cheese pizza or one with sausage & onions, I decided to use a vegetable I wouldn't normally use on pizza -- zucchini. I also threw on some red pepper and red onion and reduced the amount of mozzarella that I would normally use.

The pizza dough was from Forkish "overnight pizza dough" recipe and I made the sauce myself. I have a quick recipe for pizza sauce where I crush some whole San Marzano tomatoes by hand and add it to some  garlic, basil, oregano, salt, pepper (and maybe a dash of red pepper if I feel like it) that has been sauteed in olive oil first. After dumping in the crushed San Marzano tomatoes, I usually add a little sugar and red wine -- but I didn't have any red wine on hand and used some balsamic vinegar as a substitute for cutting the acidity of the tomato but also, in this case, worked nicely with the veggies.


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