November 1, 2017: Black bean soup and focaccia

This was the last Wednesday I referred to my meals as "veggie Wednesdays" when a friend point out that I had made a bean soup and that beans were a legume.  It wasn't obvious that the soup also had carrots, onion & celery but, well, the point was made -- I changed my Wednesday meals to "plant Wednesdays" as suggest by my daughter-in-law.

This "Spicy Bean Soup" was delicious and now that I am recapping my recipes after 3 months, I plan to make this one again soon.  I do not think it's legit for me to "publish" this recipe (even though I'm not expecting anyone to actually read this) since I got it from a cookbook I purchased long before I googled recipes:   (I'll share it with the one or two relative/friends who might ask me for it :) )

I have had this book for a long time -- at least 15 years -- and it has a number of very good recipes that I keep coming back to (Chicken Brunswick Stew, for example).

I made the focaccia with Forkish's  overnight pizza dough recipe. (left over from previously made pizza).


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